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Heidelberg Castle
Truly romantic: the world-famous ruins
German Apothecary Museum, Offizin

Exhibition in the Ottheinrich’s WingGerman Apothecary MuseumHeidelberg

The German Apothecary Museum inside Heidelberg Castle offers fascinating insights into the history of pharmaceutics, from antiquity to the 21st century. Entrance to the museum is included in the Schlossticket.

Monastic Pharmacy, Schwarzach, approx. 1730

The Offizin is a workroom of the pharmacy.

Using the healing powers of nature

A fascinating walk through the exhibition in the basement of the Ottheinrich’s Wing shows how the healing powers of nature were used in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age. Besides substances originating from plants, an assortment of curiosities are hidden among the approximately 1,000 remedies. In the 16th century, pulverized mummy was valued as a remedy for cough, sore throat, a broken heart, shivers and headache.


The lab.

The apothecary as a workspace

The fully preserved interiors of historic apothecaries from the 17th through 19th centuries are a special highlight. A walk through the exhibition takes visitors past painted cabinets of a former monastery apothecary, magnificent Baroque apothecaries, and elegant designs of the Biedermeier period. The collection of valuable apothecary containers of glass, faïence and colorfully painted majolica is especially impressive. The domed Apothecary's Tower also offers the excitement of a lab and all its equipment.

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